Mr. Jonathan Kennon Thompson Smith of Jackson has published seven genealogical miscellanies for Henderson County. He wishes to share this information as widely as possible and has granted permission for these web pages to be created. We thank Mr. Smith for his generosity. Copyright, Jonathan K. T. Smith, 2001
pages 19-20. December 9, 1822, SAMUEL MOORE, Henderson Co., Tenn. conveyed from "natural love and affection" for his son, DAVID A. MOORE, Carroll Co., Tenn., 200 acres. Witnesses JAMES REED, WILLIAM MOORE. Registered February 26, 1823.
pages 20-21. December 9, 1822, SAMUEL MOORE, Henderson Co., Tenn. conveyed from "natural love and affection" for his son, CAREY H. MOORE, Carroll Co., Tenn., 200 acres. Witnesses JAMES REED, WILLIAM MOORE. Registered February 27, 1823.
pages 23-24. July 24, 1822, THEOPHILUS MORGAN, Carroll Co., Tenn. sold to JOHN MORGAN, Henderson Co., Tenn., land on Big Sandy River for $278. Witness WASHINGTON RAYBURN. Registered March 1, 1823.
pages 122-123. June 9, 1823, SAMUEL MOORE, Henderson Co., Tenn. sold to JAMES A. McCLEARY, Madison Co., Tenn., for $250, 100 acres on Forked Deer River in Carroll Co., Tenn. Witnesses DAVID A. MOORE, CAREY H. MOORE. Registered August 13, 1823.
pages l56-158. August 2, 1823, LEMUEL S. McNEILL, Chatham Co., N. C. sold to SAMUEL MOORE, Henderson Co., Tenn., 228 acres in Surveyors District 12, Range 3, parts of Sections 3 and 4, for $1140. Witnesses C. G. OLMSTED, GEE B. MEEK. Registered February 10, 1824.
pages 160-165. December 12, 1823, DANIEL GILLASPIE, Maury Co., Tenn. sold to ROBERT WILSON, Henderson Co., Tenn., 164 acres on Clear Creek, a north branch of the south fork of Obion River in Surveyors District 12, Range 3, Section 5, for $579. Witnesses E. GWIN, R. E. C. DOUGHARTY. Registered February 20, 1824.
page 305. March 16, 1825, SOLOMON ROZELL, Henderson Co., Tenn. sold to ROBERT ARMOUR, Carroll Co., Tenn., 371/2 acres on the waters of Sandy River in Surveyors District 12, Range 4, Section 1. Witnesses JOHN C. SMITH, DAVID CARTER (he signed with an x). Registered October 25, 1825.
pages 321-322. July 26, 1824, THOMAS HUNT, Granville Co., N. C. sold to JOHN W. PHILPOTT, Henderson Co., Tenn., 300 acres on the west side of Sandy River in Surveyors District 12, Range 6, Section 3, for $l000. Witnesses JOHN PERKINS, JAMES HICKS. Registered September 14, 1826.
pages 343-344. July 26, 1824, THOMAS HUNT, Granville Co., N. C. sold to JOHN W. PHILPOTT, Henderson Co., Tenn., l000 acres in Surveyors District 12, Range 2, Section 3, for $2500. Witnesses JOHN PERKINS, JAMES HICKS. Registered December 10, 1826.
page 15. Land Grant #15685 to SAMUEL MOORE, September 6, 182l, State of Tennessee, for 2001/4 acres in Surveyors District 12, on Rutherford Fork of Obion River; Carroll Co., entered September 22, 1820;surveyed February 22, 1821. WILLIAM CARROLL, Governor.
page 16. Land Grant #15686 to SAMUEL MOORE, September 7, 1821, State of Tennessee, for 100 acres in Surveyors District 12, Range 2, Section l; entered Dec. 18, 1820; surveyed February 22, 1821. Carroll County. WILLIAM CARROLL, Governor.
page 17. Land Grant #15687 to SAMUEL MOORE, September 7, 1821 for 393 3/4 acres in Surveyors District 12, on Rutherford Fork of Obion River; entered Dec. 28, 1820; surveyed February 28, 1821. Carroll County. WILLIAM CARROLL, Governor.
page 4. March 11, 1826, SOLOMON ROZELL, Henderson Co., Tenn. sold to THOMAS REED, Carroll Co., Tenn., a warranty for 761/4 acres in Surveyors District 12, Range 4, Section 1, for $280. Witnesses THOMAS H. REID, WILLIAM HAMILTON. Warranty dated July 13, 1822.
page 46. September 15, 1825, JOHN W. PHILPOTT, Henderson Co., Tenn. sold to JAMES WRIGHT, Henderson Co., Tenn. for "love and affection" for him and a consideration of 50 ¢, 100 acres on the waters of the south fork of Obion River in Surveyors District 12, Range 2, Section 3. Witnesses EDWARD PHILPOTT, JOHN McKERNAN. Reg. July 15, 1828.
pages 143-144. October 4, 1824, WILLIAM B. BARTEE, Henderson Co., Tenn. sold to JAMES A. HASELET, Henderson Co., Tenn., 150 acres for $379. Witnesses JAMES H. GEE, JAMES ARNETT. Registered May 20, 1829.
pages 196-198. NIMROD MURPHREE, Henderson Co., Tenn. sold to SOLOMON WEST, a town lot in Lexington whereon Murphree lived on the west side of the public square adjoining JOHN McCLURE's lot; 400 acres in Humphreys Co., Tenn., a slave woman, Chain and other personalty; a trust deed. MURPHREE owed $2090, due January 15, 1828 and $248 due on July 15, 1828. WEST was to sell for MURPHREE this property and anything above what the debt was would go to WEST. Witnesses GEORGE R. WEST, H. LEDBETTER. Registered September 20, 1829.
pages 369-370. December 16, 1825, JAMES McEWIN, Henderson Co., Tenn. sold to STERLING BARROW, Carroll Co., Tenn., land for $100 in Surveyors District 12. Witnesses JAMES BARROW, SAM'L. WOOLDRIDGE. Registered November 16, 1830.
pages 513-514. July 6, 1821, HENRY BROWN, Henry Co., Tenn. sold to PETER EDWARDS, Henderson Co., Tenn. 156 acres on Demosses Creek, Surveyors District 12, Range 1, Section 1, Carroll Co., for $450. Witnesses ROBERT MURRAY, EDWD. GWIN. No registration date.
pages 541-542. August 11, 1831, RICHARD BENSON of Robertson Co., Tenn., JOSEPH T. BENSON, Carroll Co., Tenn., THOMAS JONES and wife, AMELIA JONES of Carroll Co., Tenn., JONATHAN BELL and wife, MARY BELL of Carroll Co., Tenn., heirs of WILLIAM BENSON, SR. sold to WILLIAM BENSON, JR., Robertson Co., Tenn., for $84, their interest in tract of land in Robertson Co. "where WILLIAM BENSON, SNR. last lived and where he departed this life", 340 acres and an additional 2 acres, except for 100 sold out of same by WILLIAM BENSON, SR. and 100 acres sold by the same during his life-time. Witnesses F. J. COOK, W. L. BELL. Registered May 10, 1832.
pages 20-21. September l, 1826, JOHN W. PHILPOTT, Henderson Co., Tenn. sold to GEORGE HOBBS, Carroll Co., Tenn., 300 acres in Sandy River bottom for $825. Witnesses JOHN W. NICHOL, THEOPHILUS MORGAN. Registered September 17, 1832.
pages 46-47. March 10, 1831, JOHN C. McLEMORE, Davidson Co., Tenn. gave power of attorney to JOHN R. HOWARD to sell his lands in several west Tennessee counties, including Henderson County. Witnesses THOMAS WASHINGTON, J. G. MARTIN. Registered February 23, 1833.
page 132. September 16, 1833, ROBERT B. GORDON, Carroll Co., Tenn. sold to WILLIAM BENNETT, Henderson Co., Tenn., 324 acres in Surveyors District 12, Range 4, Section 1, for $600. Witnesses SOLOMON WILLIAMS, JOHN JAMES, L. S. PARKER. Reg. Dec. 20, 1833.
pages 189-190. April 4, 1834, JOHN ROARK, Henderson Co., Tenn. sold to RANSON H. BRYNE, Madison Co., Tenn., 500 acres in Surveyors District 12, Range l, Section 4, for $1 and "other" considerations. Witnesses JOHN READ, T. P. SCURLOCK. Reg. May 7, 1834.
pages 233-234. September 17, 1834, JOHN ROARK, Henderson Co., Tenn. conveyed in trust to ROBERT LONG, BARNET ROARK, Henderson Co., Tenn., as they vent security for him on a loan and in a case in the circuit court of Henderson Co., Roark had to pay the debt. If his property, 500 acres in Surveyors District 12, Range 1, Section 4, had to be sold to meet his debt it vas to be done so that these men would not be held liable for the debt. Witnesses M. CROSS, W. S. WISDOM. Reg. October 23, 1834.
page 258. January 1, 1835, CHRISTOPHER H. WILLIAMS, JOHN T. HARMON, E. H. TARRANT, JOHN PURDY, JOHN A. WILSON, commissioners of the LEXINGTON ACADEMY LOTTERY, Henderson Co., Tenn. sold to WILLIAM H. BIGHAM, Carroll Co., Tenn., 500 acres on Plumb Creek, Carroll Co., Surveyors District 12, Range 1, Section 4. for $l. No witnesses. Reg. Jan. 10, 1835.
pages 263-264. January 3, 1835, WILLIAM H. BURTON, Henderson Co., Tenn. sold to HUGH BRADFORD, Carroll Co., Tenn., as a deed of trust for $186.66; if debt not paid land was to be Bradford's; to be sold by WILLIAM TAYLOR to secure debt to Bradford. Witnesses ROBERT JAMISON, WILSON NESBITT, W. P. CRAVEN, SAMUEL JAMISON. Reg. Jan. 16, 1835.
pages 330-331. March 5, 1835, JOHN WOODS, Henderson Co., Tenn., LEVI S. WOODS and WILLIAM W. HERRON, both of Carroll Co., Tenn., executors of WILLIAM WOODS' estate, sold to JONATHAN CARTER son of JOHN CARTER, decd., about 551/2 acres in Surveyors District 12, Range 3, Section l, beginning "one mile south from the northeast corner of the second range and said section" for $350. Witnesses ANDREW NEELY, J. H. ALEXANDER. Registered June 24, 1835.
pages 331-332. January 24, 1835, ROBERT ARMOUR, Carroll Co., Tenn. sold to CHARLES PRITCHARD, Henderson Co., Tenn., land in Surveyors District 12, Range 4, Section l, for $500. Witnesses ISAAC KIRBY, ATLAS ROPER. Registered June 24, 1835.
page 383. October 17, 1831, JOHN McCLELLAN, Henderson Co., Tenn. sold to ASA WILEY, Carroll Co., Tenn., lot 109 in Huntingdon, Tenn., the eastern most lot in the town, fronting main street, for $150. Witnesses M. M. HENDERSON, JOHN K. CLARK. Registered Dec. 7, 1835.
page 17. August l, 1835, ABNER TAYLOR, Carroll Co., Tenn. sold to CHRISTOPHER GIST, Henderson Co., Tenn., 50 acres on Mud Creek a fork of Big Sandy River in Surveyors District 12, Range 4, Section 1, for $130. Witnesses JESSE HARDY, C. H. GIST. Registered August 7, 1836.
page 33. September 17, 1836, YOUNG W. ALLEN, Carroll Co., Tenn. sold to CALEB HAWKINS, Henderson Co., Tenn., 100 acres and 48 poles for $600; no witnesses listed. Registered September 17, 1836.
pages 52-53. January12, 1835, WILLIAM H. BURTON, Henderson Co., Tenn. sold to THOMAS HOLMS, Carroll Co., Tenn., 55 acres in Surveyors District 12, Range 4, Section 1 for $210. Witnesses J. G. ALEXANDER, ELIJAH HUEY. Registered November 29, 1836.
page 141. July 13, 1837, JOHN PARKER, Henderson Co., Tenn. sold to WILLIAM JOBES, lot 14 in Huntingdon, Tennessee at the southeast corner on east side of public square. Witnesses EDWARD GWIN, B. C. TOTTEN. Registered July 19, 1837.
pages 160-161. July 12, 1836, JOHN PURDY, JOHN T. HARMON, WILLIAM M. HOSKINS, CHRISTOPHER H. WILLIAMS, all of Henderson Co., Tenn., trustees of the LEXINGTON ACADEMY LOTTERY, sold to DAVID MARSHALL lot 16 in McLemoresville, Tenn. for $500. No witnesses listed. Registered September 8, 1837.
page 171. In 1837, JOHN WOODS sold a one acre lot to CAREY H. WOODS, both of Henderson Co., Tenn., in Surveyors District 12, Range 2, Section 2. Witnesses ADAM HUNTSMAN, JAMES H. PHILLIPS, LEVI S. WOODS, WILLIAM W. HERRON. Registered November 9, 1837.
page 172. November 13, 1837, DANIEL BARCROFT, Henderson Co., Tenn. sold to JOHN T. HUTCHESON, Carroll Co., Tenn., 80 acres for $400. Carroll Co. Barcroft signed with an x. Registered November 21, 1837.
page 222. December 13, 1834, JOHN PARKER, Henderson Co., Tenn. sold to JOHN DALTON, 200 acres on the west prong of Beaver Creek, Carroll Co., for $567. Witnesses GEORGE H. MATTOX, GIBSON TRAWIG (signed with an x). Registered March 7, 1838.
CARROLL COUNTY, TENNESSEE That part of Surveyor District 12 showing areas involved in the Henderson Countians' land records.
"Map of Tennessee" by Matthew Rhea, Philadelphia, 1832
Note Range 1, Section 1 is the southwestern corner of Carroll County. Sections increase to the north, ranges increase to the east.--DD |
Other works by Jonathan K. T. Smith can be found at the Madison County Records Repository at TNGenWeb.
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