Mr. Jonathan Kennon Thompson Smith of Jackson has published seven genealogical miscellanies for Henderson County. He wishes to share this information as widely as possible and has granted permission for these web pages to be created. We thank Mr. Smith for his generosity. Copyright, Jonathan K. T. Smith, 2001
(Page 90)
In the application (#62827) of HENRY MOFFITT of Henderson County, for some monetary benefit from the Revolutionary War services of his father, ROBERT MOFFITT of Randolph County, North Carolina, a militiaman in the North Carolina Militia, and who died about 1817, is a declaration made by MARY PHILLIPS in which she spoke of having known ROBERT MOFFITT and wife, CATHERINE, back in Carolina. This may be beneficial to some among her descendancy in tracing her origins.
The declaration MARY PHILLIPS made and her signature:
County of Henderson:
On this 16th day of August A.D. one thousand eight hundred and fifty-three personally appeared before me, an acting Justice of the Peace within and for the county of and state aforesaid, MARY PHILLIPS, who being duly sworn according to law, doth on her oath declare, that she is personally acquainted with HENRY MOFFITT, that she was a neighbor of ROBERT MOFFITT, the father of HENRY MOFFITT, that his mother CATHERINE MOFFITT is now dead. She further declares that ROBERT MOFFITT and CATHERINE MOFFITT were man and wife, that they lived together as such, that the people of Randolph County in the State of North Carolina, considered them as lawful man and wife, and that she, the said MARY PHILLIPS, never heard the fact questioned in the community where they lived.
Sworn to and subscribed before me the day and year above written. And I hereby certify that the above affidavit was taken in the presence of the aforesaid HENRY MOFFITT.
ELI TEAGUE, JP, for Henderson County |
In the 1850, September 6, U.S. Census, Civil District 2, Henderson County, Tennessee, page 122:
THOMAS PHILIPS, age 51, farmer, North Carolina
MARY PHILLIPS, age 50, North Carolina
JOHN PHILIPS, age 18, farmer, Tennessee
SARAH A. PHILIPS, age 14, Tennessee
In the 1860, June 14, U.S. Census, Civil District 2, Henderson County, Tennessee, page 196:
THOMAS A. PHILIPS, age 61, North Carolina
MARY PHILIPS, age 61, North Carolina
JOHN STOBAUGH, age 17, Tennessee
(The name PHILIPS was interchangeably spelled PHILIPS, PHILLIPS and PHILLIPPS.)
Other works by Jonathan K. T. Smith can be found at the Madison County Records Repository at TNGenWeb.
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