yesterday's tennessee

Yesterday's Tennessee


from the photograph collection of Sue Carrington Stewart

Wiley Carrington, son of Sion and Jemima Carrington

Ann Caroline Cozart Carrington

Frances, Rill, Tene, Ann Caroline and a Renshaw boy they raised

Left to right standing: Auda Carrington, Vivien Bryant Carrington (my mother),
Hughly Carrington (my dad), Clara Carrington Wallace, Robert (Bob) Wallace,
baby Stanley Wallace
Seated: Sion David Carrington, Louisa (Brezeale) Carrington.
This photo was made in the spring of 1918.

Old Carrington house before it was remodeled.

Old Moores Hill School made about 1940. Ida Haltern was teacher.

James Essary a short time after his fall. He is 18 years old here.

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This site was created by David Donahue and Brenda Kirk Fiddler.
This site is currently maintained by Jerry L. Butler
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