Montgomery, Montgomery, We hold thy name so dear, from day to day, week to week and all throughout the year.
Montgomery, Montgomery, We love thy red and white, we'll always help proclaim thy name, we'll strive with all thy might.
Montgomery, Montgomery, we'll hold thy standards high, we'll worship thee and cherish thee, until the day we die.
Montgomery, Montgomery, it is of thee we sing, at work or play through the day,
to you we'll always cling.
Montgomery High School has a very active Alumni Association.
For information, please contact:
Samuel and Gracie Timberlake
1425 Moose Lodge Road,
Lexington, TN 38351
(901) 968-4366
A Science Lab at Montgomery School
Photograph by Arnold Photographers, Lexington, and provided courtesy of Marilyn
Click on DCTS/Crowder High School Home Page to visit Decatur County's black high school.
We need your help. Does anyone have original prints of the photographs used on these pages? Most of the materials used in creating the Montgomery High School Home Page were second or third generation xerox copies, so the images are mostly of poor quality. We would like to borrow original photographs to scan so that faces can be recognized. All original photographs would be returned.
Do you have something you could share with others? We are always on the lookout for more materials. What events of your years at Montgomery School stand out in your memory? Who was your favorite teacher and why? Please share your stories, photographs, and other materials to make this page better.
Brenda Kirk Fiddler
1414 Frizzell Road
Lexington, TN 38351
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This site was created by David Donahue and Brenda Kirk Fiddler.
This site is currently maintained by Jerry L. Butler
Copyright © 2004 - 2010, All rights reserved