John McKinstry "None but himself can be his parallel." Basketball; French Club; F. F. A. Club; Cheer Leader; Bachelor Club. |
Lona Rimmer "Success is not reached in a single bound, we build the ladder by which we climb. From the lowly earth to the vaulted sky; we reach the summit round by round." French Club; Secretary Class; Prophet, Poet; Editor of Paper. |
Mary Elizabeth Goff "Virtue is beauty." Exchange Editor; Editor-in-chief; Valedictorian. |
Fount Milam "Thou wouldn't be loud? Then let thy heart from its present pathway part not." Basketball; F. F. A. Club |
[photograph missing] |
Leo Jones "Sport that wrinkled care derides, and French Club; Joke Editor of Paper and Annual |
Rubye Helms "Truth is within ourselves--it takes no rise from outward things." Basketball-Captain. |
Paul Flatt "Knowledge itself is a power. French Club-President; Historian for Annual. |
Ewing Powers "I thank whatever gods may be for my unconquerable soul." Local Editor-Paper; Salutatorian. |
Gene Helms "On that calm brow reigned no uncertainty, Basketball-Captain; F. F. A. Club; Sports Editor of Paper; Business Manager of Annual. |
Noah Milam "The hands that never are afraid Basketball; F. F. A. Club. |
Reba Morris "And something that was more than melody dwells within her heart." Basketball; French Club. |
J. M. Brasher, Jr. "Tis he whose law is reason who depends upon that law as on the best of friends." Photographer of Annual; Assistant Business Manager. |
We, the Class of ‘32,
Have done our best to prove to you,
That we could always do our duty,
And ever grow in knowledge's beauty.
We long ago learned not to shirk,
The nobleness of honest work;
So, we have struggled not in vain,
To prove to you that work is gain.
Ah! We do know the bliss of toil,
As we burned the midnight oil;
In conquering every lesson foe,
We made the plant of Knowledge grow.
How faithfully has this band of twelve,
In steadfast union tried to dwell;
We've fought together, tasks performed,
And safely weathered every storm.
The spirits that do dwell within,
Are to old ‘Bravery" a near kin:
And our hearts never did shirk,
The duty of all honest work.
We as class-mates regret to part,
It tears the strength from every heart;
It makes us wish that we would never,
From each dear class-mate have to sever.
But we know we must go on,
We know we can not stop to mourn;
For time is swiftly passing by,
We soon must bravely say goodbye.
Surely we mean to do our best,
And with courage stand each test;
We know that we can help our school,
If we abide by every rule.
We trust that we have left to you,
A lesson that is good and true;
And that as time doth roll around,
Success may ever adorn your crown.
Lona Rimmer
We, the seniors of Scotts Hill High School, wish to leave some record of our lives spent in high school. Our happy school days have been very beneficial to us and have been greatly enjoyed. We are sure that we shall look back on these days as sweet memories, and thus, we leave our history as a memorial.
We want our history to help someone recall the eventful days of his career in high school at Scotts Hill.
In the year 1928, a class of twenty boys and girls met at Scotts Hill on the first day of school, hoping to complete high school. We were glad to enter high school but especially glad of having completed the eighth grade. Mr. Cecil Milam was our eighth grade teacher. Under his guidance we prepared ourselves to meet the lessons that we expected to find in high school. We were cheered by the knowledge that high school was a place of opportunities, opportunities to gain a much higher goal, to acquire knowledge, and to develop character. All these things we have striven to do.
Our class has distinguished itself in athletics as well as many other activities of the school. Twelve of the original twenty are finishing this year, eight boys and four girls. Five of the boys and two of the girls have played basket ball while in high school. They have shown their fighting spirit many times in the old "gym" at Scotts Hill.
Our first year was very successful, as each one was promoted and liked high school fine. Mr. P. H. Murphy was our principal. He held the principalship for three or four years, and was liked by all the pupils. He was a great advocate of school entertainments, and was by nature optimistic and energetic.
Though we lost some in number, we finished our sophomore year with as much success as we did our first year. During that year, we took part in many of the school activities and applied ourselves to our lessons with increasing earnestness.
In the first two years of high school the class membership had varied from time to time. Among those who dropped out of school are; __la Laster, Opal Taylor, Lois White, Martie Sue Maness, Lucille Laster, Jewell Eason, Hershel Johnson, Lela Fay Kennedy, Erline Murphy, Willie Montgomery, Ruble Kelley, George Rimmer, Kenneth Gilbert, and Theodore Todd. But many of them have turned their faces resolutely toward the goals of their ambitions, have grasped the opportunities that have presented themselves, while the rest of the class, continuing on here, has improved in many ways.
Mr. Gordon H. Turner is our principal in our senior year, and under his wise guidance, we have tried to do our best. We have striven, with Mr. Turner to do all we can for ourselves and for our school. Our accomplishments have been numerous and we feel proud of the year's work.
The class of 1932 has been commended for working together. The members have been cooperative and loyal to the class as a whole. The class hopes that its members may hold out faithfully and go on seeking higher goals and learning to make stepping stones of all obstacles.
It is recognized by all that the school of nineteen hundred thirty-two is very fortunate, indeed, in having for its principal, Mr. Turner, who has re-organized the school almost beyond recognition.
This is the first year the school ever published a school paper, this being due mostly to our principal's overflowing energy, and to his creating a staff which works very earnestly and diligently with him. We feel very proud of our paper, the name of which is Hill Billets."
Now, finally, we hope that this history of the class of 1932 and the "Annual" for Scotts Hill High School, will be a reminder of the pleasant days spent here and an inspiration to the classes of the future.
We trust that our teachers have taught us many lessons which will be useful to us in the days to come. We feel that we have not been lacking in either intelligence or the persistence to come on to high school. We hope that our achievements in high school nay have prepared us, in part, for the greater things yet to be attempted as we go forth, some to college, and some to take their place in the business of the world.
----------Paul Flatt
As the Eastern sky was flushing rosily one morning as I began a walk out into the wonderful country. The rolling meadows, the fields, and the shaded dells, poured forth the resplendent beauties of nature in surpassing loveliness. The forests were cool in the shadows of beeches, oaks and elms. Here and there, the red-buds were blooming. Several little birds made the place ring with music. The joyful song of the feathery tribe was in unison with my spirit.
I thought, as I walked out among that fascinating loveliness that the world was more beautiful to me than ever before. While my heart was thus going out to God through His works, I spied a moss-covered log by a rippling brook, walked over to it, and sat down. The beauties all around me lulled me to the shores of dreamland, and there I met a beautiful fairy. She gave me a bunch of roses, and told me to select one and that it would reveal to me my class-mates in 1932, ten years from now. I selected a superb rose and held it gently while its soft petals slowly unfolded and revealed to me the future.
Behold! The little fairy took my hand and led me to a university. As we entered the office, a familiar face greeted me. It was that of my class-mate, Paul Flatt. I was glad to learn that he was president of the largest University in Kentucky. As I finished an enjoyable chat with him, a very lively woman came in, and to my surprise, it was Grace Jones, the wife of Paul. I was so glad for Paul, for I felt they were congenial, so I left them in their happiness and followed my fairy.
I was directed to a beautiful building. We entered and were carried to the top floor. There I was surprised to find Noah Milam broadcasting. His subject was "How to Win the Girl you Love." Then I noticed a graceful woman sitting at the Piano. Soft strains of music flowed from her touch. It was Rubye Helms playing. She, too, was broadcasting, and I learned that she was Mrs. Noah Milam.
My fairy must have thought I needed some "touching up," for she next took me to a beauty parlor. Here I met Reba Morris. She told me she had finished business college, but decided she would enjoy working in a beauty parlor more. While we were talking, a man rushed in, so dirty and ragged that I did not recognize him, until Reba said, "Well, J. M., what now?" He said, "Oh, I've been performing some dangerous experiments in my workroom and the acid flew all over me and has just about robbed me of my clothes!
Next we went to Florida. As we got of the train, we saw a large crowd gathered on a corner. To my surprise, the occasion was our John McKinstry campaigning in his race for the governorship of Florida. From the smile on his face, I knew he was succeeding.
California was our next destination. Upon our arrival in Hollywood, I met my old friend Fount Milam. By his side was the former Rubye Rimmer, and I found out that they were leading characters in a new production of "Ben Hur."
We proceeded to Los Angles and there I met a man and his wife who looked very familiar. Upon close observation, I recognized them to be Ewing Powers and Nellie Jowers. Ewing was one of the greatest doctors of the West.
We then went to Washington, D. C. and to the Senate Chamber of the Capitol. When we entered, I was directed to a familiar personage, Leo Jones, a member of the Senate, and he told me he would not be satisfied until he sat in the presidents' chair. A lady appeared and when she said, "Leo come on, I've an important case for you to fight — little Leo, Junior." I realized she was our pretty Johnnie Helms. The little fairy would not let me converse with them long, for she said we had a long way to go yet.
She took me back to Nashville, Tennessee, and to a large municipal gymnasium. The director was Gene Helms. Accompanied by Gene we drove over to the largest Holiness Church in the city where I found the pianist to be Mary Elizabeth Goff.
Elated with the brilliant scene before me, I turned to see my fairy waiting with the lovely bunch of roses. Burying my face in their soft petals I was wafted away by their subtle perfume. The golden sun had vanished, but the surroundings were aglow with the mellow rays of a great yellow moon, and I realized that my wonderful adventure had been only a dream.
--------Lona Rimmer
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