Yesterday's Henderson County
Henderson County, Tennessee History Page
- Early Henderson County Justices of the
Peace, Jonathan K. T. Smith
- Election Results, August 2, 1906
- Henderson County Civil Districts,
Jonathan K. T. Smith [contains 1830-1990 census data]
- Henderson
County, Tennessee -- Post Offices, Linda Altom Smith*
- Henderson County Post Offices and Post
Masters, Jonathan K. T. Smith
- Henderson County Roads - 1930, Lexington
- Historical and Genealogical Research
Maps, James H. Hanna
- History of the Chesterfield Mail Service
1888-1975, B. B. Evans
- Interesting Historical Data About
the Scotts Hill Postal Service, Gordon H. Turner, Sr.
- Joseph C. Fincher and Ella Fincher, Two
Postmasters of Luray, Randy Winbush (with photos)
- The Legend and Legacy of Henry C. Graper, St.
Louis Post-Dispatch
- Legislative Act Creating Henderson
- Lexington Post Office (1938-1996) (with
- The Making of the County,
Auburn Powers
- Nineteenth Century Survey Sections and Civil
Districts, James H. Hanna
- Sheriffs, Robbie Wallace (with
- State Legislators from Henderson County,
Denise Joyner
- Tennessee Postmasters, Henderson County,
compiled by L. M. McDaniel
- Two Views of the Courthouse Circa 1900-1910
- U.S. Postal Service at Scotts
Hill 1850-1976, Gordon H. Turner, Sr.
- WPA Historical Records Survey - 1938, Brenda Kirk
This page is to help make Henderson County history more accessible by
sharing over the Internet some of the materials which are available. Do
you have a history of your church, school, community, or business? How
about your grandfather's farm journal or a story told by your grandmother about
a memorable event?
Please contact me to share it with